Super - 2002/2/19 (Tue.) 21:47:44
He is old enough to be her father!

nihilismd00d - 2002/2/20 (Wed.) 02:15:05
But how can it be wrong when it feels so right?

spiffygerbil - 2002/2/20 (Wed.) 04:20:53
Save the sperm.

Super - 2002/3/3 (Sun.) 19:57:42
Their daughter will be a beautiful mermaid. And she will spend her days lounging in a laboratory while scientists exploit and prod her.


nihilismd00d - 2002/2/26 (Tue.) 21:55:41
Badgers are still scary.

spiffygerbil - 2002/2/27 (Wed.) 13:36:18
I'm not sure if their mean streak will ever falter.


nihilismd00d - 2002/2/27 (Wed.) 20:32:12
Let him dance, I say.

Super - 2002/2/28 (Thurs.) 09:08:52
He who controls the glove also controls the dance.

nihilismd00d - 2002/2/28 (Thurs.) 13:10:08
So it should be. Sadly, though, Tatsuro may not be allowed to dance this day. For those that don't know, Jimmy Tatsuro Abe is a local Long Beach celebrity. He moved to America from Japan to follow his dream of being the world's greatest Michael Jackson impersonator. He's been dancing out in front of the CSULB book store on a regular basis for something like five years now.
Anyway, sometimes he gets booked for halftime shows and such at Long Beach sports events. Tonight is the final basketball game of the season, and he wants to dance. For some reason, they aren't letting him. It's damn upsetting.
To find out more about Jimmy Tatsuro go here

spiffygerbil - 2002/2/28 (Thurs.) 13:20:47
I do love the simple hardworking people.

quitterMike - 2002/3/1 (Fri.) 01:11:57
rock on, Michael. rock on.

7nth - 2002/3/2 (Sat.) 11:25:43
haha that guy neeeds to go to hell.... like in a hero myth


nihilismd00d - 2002/3/3 (Sun.) 20:37:06

quitterMike -2002/3/4 (Mon.) 22:32:43

BEK!! - 2002/3/5 (Tue.) 18:27:23
wowowow the shading really is superb. and the neck/collarbone lines are nice. and her eye is great. and i want to lick her lips. she is good.


nihilismd00d - 2002/3/13 (Wed.) 18:29:02
The inevitable.

bek - 2002/3/13 (Wed.) 18:57:47

quitterMike - 2002/3/13 (Wed.) 19:11:26
Garret did it.

reirei - 2002/3/13 (Wed.) 19:26:53
i have that shirt!
that atari shirt
except mine has blue atariness.

Kenny - 2002/3/13 (Wed.) 22:21:28
hehe, It's funny because it's true.

Haley - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 00:23:15
Yup, Kenny sure is a bitch :-)

Kenny - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 12:07:18
Casey has now retired from the number one position.... In his place is Haley.


Kenny - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 12:38:16
This is it...don't worry Casey when number 1 is gone you will move up. All in due time.

Hippy Boy - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 12:40:40

Haley - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 12:49:15
Since Kenny can't take a joke, I have a retraction on a previous comment: Kenny is not a bitch...even though he called me a FAG! (I still say girls can't be fags!!)

Kenny - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 12:49:16
Finger painting is fun! Especially when you use someone elses fingers.

nihilismd00d - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 13:09:56
This list needs revision. Other Mike really needs to be on it, unless you killed him already. Also, no Steve. You gotta kill Steve. I take issue with being number 3 :(

Haley - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 13:12:09
best watch what u say about Kenny, people...I have learned he will not hesitate to put u on The List...

Kenny - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 13:18:06
Let that be a lesson to you.

Hippy Boy - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 13:18:16
Hahaahahaha, Kenny is so creepy now.

Kenny - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 13:21:01
Casey getting on my good side is no way to earn yourself back up to the top.

7nth - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 14:14:21
i am disapointed with the fact that i am not on the top of the list

bek - 2002/3/16 (Sat.) 14:25:36
i thinki am in love


nihilismd00d - 2002/3/18 (Mon.) 21:31:43
Even I'm not sure who'll win this one.

EdTuck - 2002/3/18 (Mon.) 22:39:57
I got $10 on the ninja. Lightning fast moves, and two working eyes.

bek - 2002/3/19 (Tue.) 08:27:45
The pirate is sexy, therefor I want him to win.

Super - 2002/3/19 (Tue.) 19:05:24
Hmmm - I'd have to bet on the ninja, unless the battle takes place at sea - then the pirate would definately have the upparrrR hand

Haley - 2002/3/19 (Tue.) 19:45:51
the ninja, of course...all a retardo pirate could do is say "ARRRRGH, me matey!" and "walk the plank!" and flail his midget sword.

Aristohirudes - 2002/3/19 (Tue.) 20:03:47
Don't forget the hook and peg leg...

Haley - 2002/3/20 (Wed.) 20:18:49
peg leg?? so now the ninja is fighting a disabled pirate??? how sad...he's not good enough and has to lower himself to fighting physically challenged people


Super - 2002/3/21 (Thurs.) 12:22:40
Don't be fooled - she is a bottled blond!

bek - 2002/3/21 (Thurs.) 14:04:36
cleavage like a MOTHA

Haley - 2002/3/21 (Thurs.) 15:42:26
bek = lesbo

EdTuck - 2002/3/21 (Thurs.) 15:44:29
I really like her shirt... It matches her eyes. :Oþ

7nth - 2002/3/21 (Thurs.) 17:35:21
i normaly color quardinate my eyes with my shirt.. if i run out of blue shirts i change my eyes.... the only good thing i find at the mourge these days

nihilismd00d - 2002/3/21 (Thurs.) 18:04:37
This is very pretty.

bek - 2002/3/22 (Fri.) 07:20:11
haley is my sex monster

Haley - 2002/3/22 (Fri.) 15:31:11
revised comment: bek is a schizo lesbo...Eddie and I have agreed on this, so be it

spiffygerbil - 2002/3/22 (Fri.) 20:43:07
It only reminds of all of the cleavage I can never indulge in. Melodrama aside... WHY MUST EVERYTHING MAKE ME HORNY?!


GreatSalami - 2001/11/2 (Fri.) 13:35:33
how i feel...

Hippy Boy - 2001/11/2 (Fri.) 17:05:13
WOOOOOO, HALO BABY!!!!!!!!!111

nihilismd00d - 2001/11/2 (Fri.) 19:22:12


nihilismd00d - 2002/4/3 (Wed.) 17:03:13
Calculus hates me.

Spinach - 2002/4/6 (Sat.) 21:28:01
*shudder* Calculus

Hippy Boy - 2002/4/7 (Sun.) 00:47:42
Little does that e know, but the ln right behind it is going to cancel its little ass out. Wooo calculus!!!!!


Hippy Boy - 2002/4/3 (Wed.) 20:18:20
Fail Test.... Fail. Hate Life.

bek - 2002/4/6 (Sat.) 07:53:06

Spinach - 2002/4/6 (Sat.) 21:28:37
Yea.. It looks like the time I got a papercut..

Hippy Boy - 2002/4/7 (Sun.) 00:46:41
EE 330 killed me.


. - 2002/4/4 (Thurs.) 00:33:43
The mystery is revealed!

spiffygerbil - 2002/4/4 (Thurs.) 04:24:54
That guy is flying...?

Haley - 2002/4/5 (Fri.) 21:37:34
no I believe it must be a she...doesn't it have long hair???


Kenny - 2002/4/7 (Sun.) 17:09:28
The end to the perfect day.

nihilismd00d - 2002/4/7 (Sun.) 17:43:18
This is the best ever.

bek - 2002/4/7 (Sun.) 18:51:52

Spinach - 2002/4/7 (Sun.) 19:09:00
The shadow kinda looks like a penis.

Hippy Boy - 2002/4/7 (Sun.) 21:56:33
It's because kenny is canadian.

spiffygerbil - 2002/4/8 (Mon.) 13:00:51
Wouldn't the Box-on-a-Tripod-Thing 3000 be pulled up by your weight?

Kenny - 2002/4/8 (Mon.) 13:26:26
No the Super 8 camera would not be pulled off the ground and the film stock would not tear either because I am so lite and nutrition deprived from hours of work and missing every possible meal. It's kinda poetic though. The film both causes and captures my death in the same instant.

spiffygerbil - 2002/4/10 (Wed.) 22:01:25
If the artist says it's poetic, then it's not. I'm sorry, those are the rules.


nihilismd00d - 2002/4/14 (Sun.) 01:08:57
this makes me smile from super i like

Eric a.k.a. your lover - 2002/4/16 (Tue.) 18:11:16
this drawing looks like you, if u would of only drew his hoodyhoo


costello - 2002/4/19 (Fri.) 15:43:56
Resistance is Futile... and my brain hurts.

Hippy Boy - 2002/4/20 (Sat.) 02:20:30

nihilismd00d - 2002/4/22 (Mon.) 21:02:47


bek - 2002/4/23 (Tue.) 20:09:24
it is true

Hippy Boy - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 01:15:06

nihilismd00d - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 11:44:31

mando - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 16:08:07


Butt Pirate - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 08:10:32
After many long years of searching, Ass Face McGee, the butt pirate, finally found a place that he could call home. He wiped his brow and said,"My, the sea has been a creul mistress to me"

nihilismd00d - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 11:45:28
Now he has a place to stash his booty! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA

Hippy Boy - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 14:30:58

mando - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 16:06:54
is that a jewel coming out from between those two rocks? BWAHAHha.


Super - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 09:26:54
Man, this is the worst trend ever. Here's my contribution - it's as gay ninja turtle. You can tell he's gay because there is a rainbow in the background. I picked donatello because his weapon is shaped like a phallic object and because he is the gayest looking (if you don't count the other three).

quitterMike - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 10:26:14
Leonardo is a gay one, my friend.

nihilismd00d - 2001/12/8 (Sat.) 11:00:13
Yeah, Leo was definitely the gayest. But I guess Don works for this picture, especially since he wears purple and all. God damn ninja turtles are awesome.

Super - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 12:12:32
That's the genius of this picture - it actually is Leonardo! He borrows Don's pads and bo in order to make his affairs a little more discreat...

Super - 2001/12/8 (Sat.) 19:28:22
Uh - discrete ^^

nihilismd00d - 2002/4/25 (Thurs.) 11:40:48
Brilliant! His disguise is amazing, but now I recognize that it is indeed Leo. Donatello's skin was the darkest shade of green, so clearly it cannot be him.


costello - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 13:44:51
my tribute to teh best game of all time!!!111

mando - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 16:05:49

Hippy Boy - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 16:25:06
This is a rad drawing. Shoot those space bitches.

bek - 2002/4/24 (Wed.) 16:29:37
and shoot them hard.

nihilismd00d - 2002/4/25 (Thurs.) 11:42:48
Take that, Space Invaders.


7nth - 2002/4/27 (Sat.) 21:45:14
this is something old..... yea thats it

bek - 2002/4/28 (Sun.) 00:01:25
SEXY 600

bek - 2002/4/28 (Sun.) 00:21:07
i just noticed a german nazi in this. i can point it out for you if you like

nihilismd00d!!! - 2002/4/28 (Sun.) 12:36:56


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